Born in Hong Kong, Alfred Wong’s music has been widely performed. His compositions have been appeared in many international music events, such as International Society for Contemporary Music Festival held in Sweden, Waterlooville Music Festival in the UK, Colorado Music Festival in the U.S., Beijing Modern Music Festival, China ASEAN Music Festival, Macau International Music Festival and Singapore International Band Festival. His accolades include the ‘2014 CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ - Best Serious Composition; a Bronze award in the ‘Xinyi Cup’ assessment of works for Chinese orchestra by young composers, jointly presented by the Art Department of the Ministry of Culture of China and the China Nationalities Orchestra Society. Some of his works have been recorded by PARMA (U.S.) Recordings, Hugo Productions (HK) Limited and Modern Audio Limited, etc. With an oeuvre of over a hundred of Chinese instrumental works as well as other different genres of compositions, his notable works include The Eight Immortals' Adventures series for musical theatre, commissioned by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, 1894 Hong Kong Plague – a Musical, produced by Hong Kong Repertory Theatre as well as Dream of the Red Chamber Capriccio, collaborated with cellist Trey Lee together with Detroit Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Leonard Slatkin. Besides, Wong was also invited to conduct orchestras, wind bands and ensembles in Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Malaysia. Received his bachelor and master degrees from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, studied composition with Prof Chan Wing-wah, he is currently a guest lecturer at The Education University of Hong Kong, as well as teaching courses at the School of Professional and Continuing Education of the University of Hong Kong, etc. He is now the resident composer of Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble.

香港作曲家黃學揚,作品曾於瑞典舉行的國際現代音樂節、英國滑鐵盧維爾音樂節、美國科羅拉多州音樂節、北京現代音樂節、中國東盟音樂周、澳門國際音樂節、新加坡國際管樂節等場合發表。獲中華人民共和國文化部藝術司與中國民族管弦樂學會聯合主辦的「新繹杯」青年作曲家民族管弦樂作品評獎銅獎、「2014 CASH金帆音樂獎」之最佳正統音樂作品等,部分作品由雨果製作有限公司、現代音像、美國 PARMA 等灌錄唱片,部分管樂隊曲由德國Star Music Publishing出版樂譜。近年活躍於中樂創作,編寫逾百首樂曲,其中樂作品經常由華人地區多個樂團演奏。大型創作包括香港中樂團委約的劇樂《八仙過海》系列、香港話劇團製作的大型音樂劇《太平山之疫》以及與大提琴家李垂誼合作的《紅樓夢大提琴隨想曲》,由美國底特律交響樂團首演,並於蘇州、武漢、重慶、長沙及上海等地巡演。此外,他亦應邀到澳洲、臺灣、廣州、馬來西亞等地作客席指揮。畢業於香港中文大學音樂系作曲碩士,師隨陳永華教授。現為香港教育大學客座講師,也任教於香港大學專業進修學院等,並為竹韻小集駐團作曲家。